Janet Murray's 4 Affordances

20:39 - 29:40
  1. Spatial: mapping information, space/design, move through the space
  2. Encyclopedic: Mount of information/data, capacity
  3. Procedural: rules coded in computer, what can be done
  4. Participatory: people participate to engage with data
Immersion: ability to move through the information, encyclopedic + spatial
  • The more immersed you are, the more you want to do
  • They create stuff that respond to user’s usability

Agency: Procedural + participatory

Interactivity: doesn’t mean anything anymore
  • Making user feel that what they want need to do is doable


Spatial: mapping information, move through the space
a.     Categorizing Van Gogh’s works by categories
b.     Chronologically ordered
c.      Search bar – we can move through his works by typing in specific keywords
d.     Tabs – translation, notes, JPEG of letters, artworks
e.     Constricting
Encyclopedic: Mount of information/data
a.     Compiling his works into one space
Procedural: rules coded in computer, what can be done
a.     Categories
b.     Provides specific pages for context & references
c.      Panels: Original text, translation, notes, artworks
Participatory: people participate to engage with data
a.     Hyperlinks & search bars enforce engagement with the database to search for what they needed


- Paradigm of knowledge that you can look through
- Graphic designers taught around usability
- How people use it is as important as the database itself
- One thing has different aspects to it – avoid oversimplifying


Manovich, Lev. “Database as a Symbolic Form” in Convergence June 1999 vol. 5 no.2 pp. 80-99


Narrative = p. 80, definition p.90 example:
  • Temporal, linear sequence
  • Cause and effect
  • Dominant effect

Database = p.80, definition, p.81 definition, top of p.82, example p.87 explanation
  • Mental in narrative
  • Database is the computer and you're engaging/doing

Algorithm = p.83 paragraph 3 definition + example, p.85 example
  • Computer games (example)
    • Experienced as narrative
    • Uses simple algorithm: each level's goal is to collect treasure til the end

The Man With The Camera (example)
  • Linear print out of diaries
  • Shots with special effects
  • Seduce viewers into his way of thinking
  • Constructivism, open narrative
  • Interactive

Syntagmatic and paradigmatic = p.89, explanation, example
  • Syntag: combination of signs, sentiments - runs through time
  • Paradigm: Categories, culturally definied, structuring culture, "common sense"
  • Semiotics: the study of signs