Hayles, Katherine N. 2012. Chapter 3 in How We Think: Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis. University of Chicago Press, pp. 55 -79.
Close Reading (page 58)
Close Reading: Involves detailed and precise attention to rhetoric, style, language choice though a word-by-word analysis of a text’s linguistic techniques
  • It is a form of conscious reading, therefore, your brain has higher comprehension levels
  • Necessary to decipher key meaning of a print text
  • Close reading is widely applicable and really valuable to students, however, most students today find it to be a challenging form or reading and express that it is a not worthwhile
Zone of Proximal Development: if the distance is too big between what someone wants an individual to learn and where instruction begins, the teaching will not be effective
  • Ex: trying to explain Hamlet to a child
Hyper Reading (page 77)
Hyper Reading: Reader-directed, screen-based, computer-assisted reading
  • Using Google searching, filtering words, skimming, hyperlinks, etc.
  • Stimulates different brain functions than print reading
  • Necessary in digital environments
  • F Pattern Reading is how we read on websites
Juxtaposing: Several windows open allowing the reader to read across several texts and scanning
Advantages of Hyper Reading: See range of possibilities, move rapidly among and between different kinds of texts, see how relevant the text is for you, etc.
Challenges of Hyper Reading: Constant state of distraction, desire to skim everything, won’t pay close attention to anything for too long, etc.
Comprehension Levels: Reading on the Web vs. Reading Print (64)
Web Reading
  • Small distractions on the web (like hypertext), increase the cognitive load on working memory
  • Thereby, reduce the amount of new material it can hold
Print, Linear Reading:
  • Cognitive load is at a minimum
  • Eye movements are more routine (how to read and in what order)
  • Transfer to long term memory happens more efficiently; especially when readers reread passages and pause to reflect on them as they go along
Machine Reading (page 78-79)
Machine Reading: Automatic, unsupervised understanding of text.
  • This form has just recently become available to us given advancement in technology.
  • Context poor in relation to the other two forms of reading.
  • A form of “non-conscious” reading.
  • Uses frequencies to identify patterns, but it is the person that needs to connect those patterns to the meaning.
  • Wordle and Voyant are forms of machine reading.
Advantage: Allows you to see recurring words and frequency of words in order to get a gist of the author’s main points.
Challenge: Unable to view and comprehend full context of the words and meanings behind the authors view without reading where in the passage the words are being used.

Landow, Georg. (1991) "Hypertext and Critical Theory" in Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 2-12
  • Hyper textual Derrida, definition, Page 98: Digitalized text
  • Hypertext and Critical Theory (parallel and explanations), Page 99 2nd Paragraph:
    • Text composed of blocks of words (or images) linked electronically by multiple paths, chains, or trails in an open-ended, perpetually unfinished textuality
      • Link, node, network, web, path
  • Hypertext, definition, Page 100 (Theodor H. Nelson), 2nd Paragraph:
    • Form of electronic text, a radically new information technology, mode of publication
    • Nonsequential writing; allows reader to choose
  • Hypermedia, explanation, Page 100:
    • extends notion of text in hypertext to include visual information, sound, animation, and other forms of data
    • 101: blurs boundary between text and reader
  • Hypertext, explanation, page 104, 4th paragraph, Derrida
    • "Metatext", "docuverse", collage or montage
  • Hypertext, explantation, page 104, 3rd paragraph, Joyce’s Ulyses example
  • Full hypertext system, explanation, Page 102
  • Hypertext systems, explanation, page 106
  • Extant hypertext systems, explanation, page 103
  • Intertextuality, definition, (Thais Morgan), page 104-105:
    • "Structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of signifying practices or uses of signs in culture"
  • Multivocality , explanation, page 105:
    • "Constructed not as the whole of a single consciousness, absorbing other consciousness as objects into itself, but as a whole formed by the interaction of several consciousnesses, none of which entirely becomes an object for the other" Bakhtin
    • Polyphonic literacy present in Dostoevskian novel, hypertextual fiction
  • De-centering, explanation, 105-106:
    • Linked texts have no primary axis of organization (105)
    • Up to the reader (105)
  • Biblical typology, explanation, page 106
    • Example
    • Networked reality came before computing technology
    • 17th & 19th centuries; types and shadows of Christ and his dispensation